Maria Livia Brunelli, exhibition curator, art critic and gallery owner, was born in Ferrara in 1972. After graduating in Modern Literature and the Postgraduate Diploma in History of Art, he began collaborating with the University of Bologna. He holds a Masters degree in "Management for Fine Art and curator of contemporary architecture" at La Sapienza University in Rome. She has worked as a journalist and promoter of young artists. He has worked for several museums in Bologna and Venice, the Venice Biennale directed by Francesco Bonami, the MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome. It currently has assets of the receivership of fifty exhibitions in private galleries and museums, and is the author of numerous publications. Since 2007 he is director of the MLB Maria Livia Brunelli Home Gallery, an art gallery into a Renaissance palace in front of the Castello Estense in Ferrara. Each opening of the MLB coincides with the inauguration of the Palazzo dei Diamanti or events call for the city, with which exhibitions have a specific thematic links.